Grant Writing Rates
Grant writing rates being charged by lumineup are very competitive. Our pricing is flexible, ensuring that organizations of all sizes and industries can access professional grant writing and business publications support.
One Time Pricing Options
- Starter Package
- Price Range: $200 – $300
- Best For: Small businesses, non-profits, or individuals applying for straightforward grants.
- Includes:
- Researching grant opportunities.
- Writing 1-2 concise grant proposals (up to 10 pages).
- One round of revisions.
- Growth Package
- Price Range: $500 – $1,000
- Best For: Mid-sized organizations with complex funding needs or multi-page grant requirements.
- Includes:
- Comprehensive grant research and analysis.
- Writing 1-2 detailed grant proposals (up to 15 pages).
- Two rounds of revisions.
- Assistance with supporting documents.
- Retainer Package
- Price Range: $500+
- Best For: Organizations looking for ongoing support or outsourcing the complete grant writing department.
- Includes:
- Extensive grant research and strategy consultation.
- Multiple grant proposals development on monthly basis
- Unlimited revisions.
- Development of additional materials (e.g., business plans, budgets, or letters of support).
Custom Pricing for Unique Projects
We understand that every project is unique. To ensure you receive a tailored solution that aligns with your specific needs and budget, we encourage you to contact us for a personalized price quote.